JNTUA College of Engineering (Autonomous) Pulivendula

Muddanur Rd, Pulivendula, Andhra Pradesh 516390


Department of CSE
Faculty Profile

K. Chandra Sekhar

Assistant Professor (Adhoc) Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering
Areas of Specialization: -
E-mail: : chandra507shiva@gmail.com
Phone: +91 9642765544
Educational Qualification: M-Tech
Work Experience: 5 Years
International Journals: 05
National Conferences: 01
International Conferences: 01

Conferences / Paper Publications

• Participated in National Conference on “Computer Networks & Information Security(NCCNIS-2014): A Survey-Node Aloning Detection Schemes in Wireless Sensor Networks" at Department of Information Technology,Vasavi College of Engineering,Ibrahimbagh,Hyderabad-500031 during 4th to 5th march,2014.

• K.Chandrasekharet.al,"Protection in Cloud Storage:Exploration of the Projected Contract Signing Protocol",The Journal of International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology,ISSN:2231-2803,Vol 23,may 2015.

• K.Chandrasekharet.al,"Data Security in Wireless Mesh Networks",Asian Journal for Computer Science and Information Technology-2016,43(122-130).


1. Participated in the 1-Day National Level Workshop on “Technology Enhanced Learning through NMEICT-Implementation of Spoken Tutorial Project", in collaboration with IIT Bonbay, on 10th July,2014 at Auditorium, JNTUA College of Engineering(Autonomus),Ananthapuramu.

2. Participated in the 3-Day National Level Workshop on “Cloud Computing and Big Data” (with hands-on training) at JNTUA College of Engineering(Autonomus), Pulivendula under TEQIP-II.during 23rd to 25th January 2015.

3. Participated in the 5-Day National Level Workshop on “Mobile Application Development using Android” (with hands-on training) at Engineering Staff College of India ,Hyderabad.during 25th to 29th April 2016.

4. Participated in the 6-Day National level Workshop on “IBM Business Analytics” at SRKR Engineering College,Bhimavaram.During 21-26 Nov 2016.

5. Completed the java programming under the guidance of Mr.Murali Krishna, Sr.Software Engineer in Teem Technologies Pvt.Ltd., Hyderabad.

6. Participated in the “Entrepreneurship Development Initiative in India”, under TEQIP-II in collaboration with IEEE Hyderabad Section at JNTUA College of Engineering, Pulivendula during 16th – 17th March, 2016.

7. Participated in the "C & Data Structures", under A.P .State Council of Higher Education in association with JNTUniversityAnantapur, Anantapur during 3rd to 8th September,2012.