JNTUA College of Engineering (Autonomous) Pulivendula

Muddanur Rd, Pulivendula, Andhra Pradesh 516390


Department of Chemistry
Faculty Profile

Prof. K. Sesha Maheswaramma

Vice Principal & Head Dept. of Chemistry
Areas of Specialization: Environmental Monitoring, Assesement & Auditing, Coordination and Bioinorganic Metal Medicinal Chemistry.
E-mail: : kallurumahi@rediffmail.com, kallurumahi.chemistry@jntua.ac.in.
Phone No.: +91 7670902292.
Educational Qualification: M.Sc,B.Ed,M.Phil,Ph.D.
ORCiD: 0000-0003-4249-8241
Vidwan ID: https://vidwan.inflibnet.ac.in/profile/289778
Work Experience:23 Years
National Journals: 05
International Journals: 29
National Conferences: 20
International Conferences:16

Awards and Medals:

1. Justice P.C. Reddy Meritorious student Award in M.Sc in April 2001.

2. Best Oral Presentation Award at EBIO-2017 organized by Andhra University, Visakha Patnam.

3. JNTUA University level NSS Best Programme Officer Award in February 2018.

4. Telugu Book of Record Certificate for coordination and Participation at First Time Organized Blood Donation Camp for Ladies 2018.

5.Designer of Training (DOT) in 2018 and Evaluator of Training (EOT) in 2019 from Department of Personnel & Training (DoPT), Government of India and AP HRDI, Bapatla.

6. Best Soceital Activist Award – 2019.

7. State Level Best NSS Progrmme Officer Award -2018-19.

8. Nominated for Andhra Pradesh Akademy of Sciences as Associate Fellow – 2020 .

9.Honoured by Manavatha Swachhanda Seva Samstha for outstanding contribution for Society and Environment during Covid-19 pandemic through various awareness programmes, Pulivendula – 08-03-2021.

10.Guru Spandana Puraskar 2022, by Spandana Eda International Foundation, for Untiring and Unfailing services to inject a new vitality into the people through teaching.

11.JNTUA University Best Teacher Award for the year 2023.

12.JNTUA University Best NSS Programme Officer Award for the year 2024.

Academic achievements:

1. I St Rank in M.Sc (Mineral Chemistry) in 2001 .


1. Life member of Indian Society for Technical Education (ISTE) (LM57987) .

2. Member of Society of Biological and Inorganic Chemistry (SBIC) (ID: 1292286) .


1. Science Academies (IASc-INSA-NASI) Summer Research Fellowship in 2013 .

2. Science Academies (IASc-INSA-NASI) Research Fellowship in 2014 .

3. INSA Visiting Scientist Fellowship for the year 2017 & 2018 .


1. K. Bhaskar Reddy, D. Balanagamani, K. Sesha Maheswaramma and S. Brito Raj “A Novel Drug Delivery System Containing Nanoparticle Loaded Capsule of Hepatoprotective Drugs ”, The patent office Journal No. 34/2020, Dated 21/08/2020; Page No:146; Application No:202041032897 A; dated 21/08/2020 .

Books Authored:

1. K. Sesha Maheswaramma, Mridula Chugh, “Engineering Chemistry”, Pearson Publications Pvt., Ltd., 2019 (ISBN 978-93-895-8839-2) (AICTE).

2. K. Sesha Maheswaramma, Mridula Chugh, “Engineering Chemistry”, Pearson Publications Pvt., Ltd., 2016 (ISBN 978-93-325-7678-0) (VEL TECH University).

3. K. Sesha Maheswaramma, Mridula Chugh, “Engineering Chemistry”, Pearson Publications Pvt., Ltd., 2016 (ISBN 978-93-325-7118-1) (All India) .

4. K. Sesha Maheswaramma, Mridula Chugh, “Engineering Chemistry”, Pearson Publications Pvt., Ltd., 2013 (ISBN 978-93-325-5820-5).

5.K. Sesha Maheswaramma, Mridula Chugh, “Engineering Chemistry”, Pearson Publications Pvt., Ltd., 2013 (ISBN 978-93-325-4157-3) .

6. K. Sesha Maheswaramma, Mridula Chugh, “Engineering Chemistry”, Pearson Publications Pvt., Ltd., 2013 (ISBN 978-81-317-7451-9) (JNTU).

Books Translated to Telugu under AICTE Technical Book Writing Scheme; book translation to regional languages : (https://ekumbh.aicte-india.org/book.php)

1. Chemistry & Lab for B.Tech, Khanna Publishing Private Ltd., (ISBN: 978- 93-91505 -48-6)(Book Code: UG028TE), 2022

2. Environmental Science for Diploma, Khanna Publishing Private Ltd., (ISBN: 978-93-91505-38-7) (Book Code: DIP152TE), 2022

3. Anandam for Diploma (ISBN: 978-93-6027-826-7), February 2024, AICTE, e-KUMBH

Reviewer for AICTE Technical Book Writing in Regional languages; the following Telugu translated books reviewed:

1. Applied Chemistry & Lab for Diploma, Khanna Publishing Private Ltd., (ISBN: 978-93-91505- 63-9) ( Book Code: DIP144TE), 2023.

2. Disaster Management for B.Tech (ISBN: 978-93-6027-536-5), November- 2024 .

University Co-Ordinator:

Appointed as Coordinator for Telugu Translation work of AICTE – 15-09-2021 to till .

Books Translation Coordinating under AICTE Technical Book Writing Scheme; Translation into Telugu:

1. Successfully Coordinated and completed translation of 09 UG and 11 Diploma first year books during 2021 - 2022.

2. Coordinating 88 books for second year UG and Diploma 2022 onward, Successfully completed 13 Books, remaining are under process.

3.Coordinating 48 books for third year UG and Diploma 2024 onward are under process.

Coordinator / Member at Various committees:

1.Coordinator to conduct Board of Studies (BOS) Meetings to JNTUACEP (2014-2017).

2. Coordinator to conduct (College Academic Council) CAC Meetings to JNTUACEP (2014-2017).

3. Coordinator to conduct Result Committee Meetings to JNTUACEP (2014-2017).

4. Member Malpractice Committee to JNTUACEP & JNTUA (2014-2017).

5. Member National Institutional Ranking Committee (NIRF)-2016.

6. Member JNTUA University NSS Advisory Committee - 2016 to till.

7. Member Internal Complaint Committee, JNTUACEP, Since 26-06-2019.

8. Member of CSDG-APHRDI team to monitor and assess the Best Practices of WASH in Schools of Mahaboobnagar District under UNICEF Project (2019).

9. Appointed as Trainer of Trainee (TOT) to Coordinate and monitor Comprehensive Online Modified Modules for Induction Training (COMMIT) of Chittore District (2019).

10. Subject Expert - APRCET - 2019 - Department of Chemistry, JNTUA.

11. University Departmental Research Committees (DRCs) Member for Chemistry 3-12-2020 to till.

12. Convener to conduct Research Review Meetings of Chemistry, JNTUA 2020 to till.

13. Convener to conduct Open Seminars of Scholars Chemistry, Food Technology & Pharmacy 2020 to till.

14. Chairperson BOS, Chemistry, JNTUACEP, 07-12-21 to till.

15. Subject expert to conduct ratification interviews of Assistant Professors for affiliated colleges of JNTUK, Kakinada 2022.

16. Subject Expert - APRCET - 2022 - Department of Material Science & Nanotechnology.

17. Member for Doctoral Committee - JNTUA for Chemistry & Pharmacy.

18. AICTE - NCC-IP faculty Volunteers for translation of UHV content into Indian Regional Languages 16-06-2023 to till .

Administrative Charges:

1. Vice Principal, JNTUACEP, November 2024 to Present.

2. HOD, Department of Chemistry, JNTUACEP, January 2024 to Present

3.i/c HOD, Department of Physics, JNTUACEP, January 2024 to Present

4. HOD, Department of Humanities & Basic Sciences, JNTUACEP, December 2023 to January 2025.

5. Co-Ordinator for Universal Human Values Cell, JNTUACEP, August 2023 to till.

6. HOD, Department of Mathematics & Physics, JNTUACEP, August 2023 to November 2023.

7. Women Ambassador to JNTUACE, Pulivendula December 2021to till.

8. HOD, Department of Chemistry, JNTUACEP, November 2021 to November 2023.

9.Co-ordinator Women Empowerment cell December 2020 to December 2023.

9. Co-ordinator DISHA / Women Protection Committee November 2020 to till .

10. Officer Incharge Daycare Centre August 2017 onwards.

11. NSS Programme Officer July-2016 to till .

12. Officer Incharge Academic Section January 2014 to September 2017.

13.Deputy Warden for Girls Hostel from February 2007 to July 2011.

Foreign Visits:

1. GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Potsdam, Germany .

2. Chinese National Academy of Science, Beizing, China .

Projects Completed:

1. Synthesis and characterization of biocompatible transition metal based DPPZ complexes. Procs.No.JNTUACEP/TEQIP-II/R&D Projects seed money/13/2016, Dated 05-08-2016 .

Research Guidance:

S.No Name of the Degree Status Year of Award Title of the Thesis Name of the Awardee Supervisor/Co-Supervisor Faculty
1. Ph.D Awarded October -2022 Design, Synthesis, Characterization and Biological Activity of Some Novel Heterocyclic Compounds by Green Synthesis. G.Neelima Co-Supervisor Pharmaceutical Sciences
2. Ph.D Awarded November-2022 Development and Evolution of Sublingual Pharmaceutical Dosage form. G. Swapna Co-Supervisor Pharmaceutical Sciences
3. Ph.D Awarded February -2023 Synthesis, characterisation and quantification of genotoxic impurities present in various drug substances . Ravi Kumar Puppala Supervisor Chemistry
4. Ph.D Awarded April-2023 Phytochemical Investigation and Cytotoxic Potential of Justicia Tranquebariensis and cycasbeddomeidyer. Hari V Co-Supervisor Pharmaceutical Sciences
5. Ph.D Awarded September-2023 Assessment and Monitoring of Ground Water Quality in and Around Rayalaseema Thermal Power Plant, Kalamalla,Yerraguntla(M), Kadapa District, Andhra Pradesh . Kalpana A Supervisor Chemistry
6. Ph.D Awarded October-2023 Development and Evaluation of Ursodiol and Ezetimibe Polymeric Nanoparticles for Potential Hepatoprotective Activity . D.Balanagamani Co-Supervisor Pharmaceutical Sciences

Important Paper Publications:

1. Aysha Sherieff, M. Mohibbe Azam and K. Sesha Maheswaramma "Efficiency of Rhodopseudomonas faecalis in Increasing Digestion of Substrate in an Anaerobic Digester" International Journal of Current Science Research and Review, 6(08), 6067-6073, DOI: 10.47191/ijcsrr/V6-i8-75. (Aug-2023)

2. Aysha Sherieff, M. Mohibbe Azam and K. Sesha Maheswaramma "3D Structure prediction and visualization of protein of the novel strain of Rhodopseudomonas faecalis" International Journal of Advanced Research, 11(07), 678-690, DOI: 10.21474/IJAR01/17276. (2023)

3. Amatasani Kalpana, Ravi Kumar Puppala, Rama Mohan Kurakalva and Kalluru Sesha Maheswaramma "Assesment of Ground Water Quality in and around RTPP, Muddanur Town, Kadapa District, Andhra Pradesh, India: By using Multi Analytical and Statistical Techniques" Journal of Pollution Effects and Control, 11 (1): 1000357; DOI: 10.35248/2375-4397.23.11.357. (2023)

4. Amatasani Kalpana, Ravi Kumar Puppala and Kalluru Sesha Maheswaramma " An Assessment of Ground Water Contamination Due to Heavy Metals and Fly Ash around Yerraguntla Town, Kadapa District, Andhra Pradesh, India" Journal of Pollution Effects and Control, 11 (1): 1000356; DOI: 10.35248/2375-4397.23.11.356.

5. P. Ravi Kumar, N. Subbaiah and K. Sesha Maheswaramma " Ultra Trace Level Detection and Quantification of Identified Genotoxic Impurity Ethi(1R,5R, 6R)-7-(tert-butyl)-5-(pentan-3yloxy)-7-azabicycle[4.1.0]hept-3-ene-3-carboxylate in Oseltamivir Phosphate Drug Substance by Liquid Chromatograph - Mass Spectroscopy " Asian Journal of Chemistry 34 (10) 2022. (In Press)

6. P. Ravi Kumar, N. Subbaiah and K. Sesha Maheswaramma " Characterisation and Evaluation of the Trace Level of Genotoxic Impurities in Bictegravir Sodium Drug Substance by using Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectroscopy" Rasayan J.Chem. 15 (3) 2022;1–8 ISSN: 0974-1496 | e-ISSN: 0976-0083 | CODEN: RJCABP (Wiley Analytical Science, Seperation Science plus (http://doi.org/10.31788/RJC.2022.1536966).

7. Hari V, D. Jothieswari and K. Sesha Maheswaramma " Pharmacological screening of antitumor potential on Cycas beddomei Dyer" International Journal of Health sciences (https://doi.org/10.53730/ijhs.v6nS2.7555)

8. P. Ravi Kumar, N. Subbaiah and K. Sesha Maheswaramma "Trace level detection and quantification of genotoxic impurities 3-amino-4-methylbenzoate, 3-amino-4-methylbenzoic acid, and 3-(4-methyl-1H-imidazol-1-yl)-5-(trifluoromethyl) aniline in Nilotinib dihydrochloride active pharmaceutical ingredient using liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry" Sep Sci plus. 2022;1–8 (Wiley Analytical Science, Seperation Science plus (https://doi.org/10.1002/sscp.202200047).

9. Veluru. Hari, Damothqaran. Jothieswari and Kalluru. Sesha Maheswaramma “Total Phenolic, Flavonoid Content, and Antioxidant Activity of Justicia tranquebariensis LF and Cycas Beddomei Dyer. Leaves", International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Drug Research (ISSN: 0975 -248X), January-February, 2022, Vol 14, Issue 1, 48-53 (DOI: 10.25004/IJPSDR.2022.140107)

10. Balanagamani, Bhaskar Reddy Kesavan, Sesha Maheswaramma and Brito Raj Selvaraj “Implimentation of Factorial Design to Optimize the Formulation Method of Ezetimibe Polymeric Nanoparticle by Homozinization cum Ultra - Sonication Method”, International Journal of Applied Pharmaceutics, (ISSN 0975 - 7058) 2022; 14(2), pp. 151-159 (https://innovareacademics.in/journals/index.php/ijap/article/view/43783).

11. Balanagamani, Bhaskar Reddy Kesavan, Sesha Maheswaramma and Brito Raj Selvaraj “Ursodol Loaded Polymeric Nanoparticle Formulation, Optimization and Invitro - Invivo Pharmacodynamic Evaluation”, Natural Volatiles & Essential Oils, (e ISSN:2148-9637)2022;9(1):322-340. (https://www.nveo.org/index.php/journal/article/view/4480)

12. V. Hari, D. Jothieswari and K. Sesha Maheswaramma “ Evaluation of Antitumor Activity of Justica Tranquebariensis L.F”, Natural Volatiles & Essential Oils, (e ISSN: 2148-9637) 2021; 8 (6): 5038 -5048. (https://www.nveo.org/index.php/journal/article/view/4380)

13. G. Swapna , K. Sesha Maheswaramma and K Bhaskar Reddy “ Co-Processed Super Disintegrant Loades Atenolol Beads Sublingual Tablets for Hypertension”, Natural Volatiles & Essential Oils, (e ISSN: 2148-9637) Dec, 2021; 8 (5):11287 -11300.

14 . G. Neelima K. Sesha Maheswaramma and K Bhaskar Reddy “Synthesis of Benzothiozole Derivatives Using Green Biobased Vitamin B1 supported on γ–Fe2O3 @SiO2 Nanoparticles as Catalyst and Insilico Antiviral Activity Screening”, Natural Volatiles & Essential Oils, ((e ISSN: 2148-9637) Dec, 2021; 8 (5):11301 -11320.

15. Swapna G, K. Sesha Maheswaramma and K. Bhaskar Reddy K, “Atenol and Nifedipine combination Is Better than Monotheraphy: A new era in Novel Drug Delivery for Hypertension”, Journal of University of Shanghai for Science and Technology (ISSN:1007-6735)., 2021, 23(12), 191-206 (10.5120/jusst/21/10860)

16 . Swapna G, K. Sesha Maheswaramma, Hemalatha S, Bhaskar Reddy K, “ Development of Nifedipine Sublingual tablets using disintegrants as release modifiers”, Int.J.Res.Pharm.Sci., 2021,11(4), 8130-8137 (https://doi.org/10.26452/ijrps.v11i4.4886).

17. G. Neelima, K. Lakshmi, and K. Sesha Maheswaramma, “In-Silico Studies of Benzoxazole Derivatives Using Ferrite-l-Cysteine Magnetic Nanoparticles: Green Synthesis”, pubs.rsc.org, (ISBN: 978-1-78801-862-3) Conference on Drug Design and Discovery Technologies 2019, pp-288-301 (https://pubs.rsc.org/doi:10.1039/9781839160783-00288).

18. P. Ravi Kumar and K. Sesha Maheswaramma, “Evaluation of Process Related Impurities of an Apremilast”, pubs.rsc.org, (ISBN: 978-1-78801-862-3) Conference on Drug Design and Discovery Technologies 2019, pp-266-270 (https://pubs.rsc.org/doi:10.1039/9781839160783-00266).

19. D. Balanagamani, K. Bhaskar Reddy and K. Sesha Maheswaramma, “Optimization of Ezetimibe Nano Formulation by Two-Level Full Factorial Design”, pubs.rsc.org, https:// pubs.rsc.org/en/content/ebook/978-1-78801-862-3 (ISBN: 978-1-78801-862-3) Conference on Drug Design and Discovery Technologies 2019, pp-174-177 (https://pubs.rsc.org/doi:10.1039/9781839160783-00174)

20. G. Neelima, K. Lakshmi, and K. Sesha Maheswaramma, “Development of Novel Pyrazolones by Using SiO2/ZnCl2 - Green Approach”, J.Chem. Sci, Vol.131, No.10, November 2019, pp.1- 7@ Indian Academy of Sciences (https://doi.org/10.1007/s12039-019-1679-5). (ISSN 0974-3626 (Print) 0973-7103(online).

21. Samya Banerjee, Akanksha Dixit, K Sesha Maheswaramma, Basudev Maity, Sanjoy Mukherjee, Arun Kumar, Anjali A Karande, and Akhil R Chakravarty, “ Photocytotoxic ternary copper (II) complexes of histamine Schiff base and pyriryl ligands”, J.Chem. Sci, Vol.128, No.2, February 2016, pp.165-175@ Indian Academy of Sciences (DOI 10.1007/s12039-015-1017-5) 2015. (ISSN 0974- 3626 (Print) 0973-7103(online).

22. K.Sesha Maheswaramma, N.Babavali, K.Sathyanarayana, K.Etheshamul Haq, K.Renuka and P.Srujana Rao, “Design of Water Treatment plant to Pulivendula Municipal Carporation of Kadapa(Dt), Andhra Pradesh”. International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology, 4 (2) (April-2015) 9-11. (ISSN:2321-7308)

23. C. Mallikarjuna Reddy, K.Sesha Maheswaramma, B.Ram Bhupal Reddy, E.Kesava Reddy, “ Mathematical modeling of nano-fiber membrane system in food industry waste water treatment”, International Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 3(3), (2012), 127-138.

24. G.Udayabhaskara Reddy, K. Sesha Maheswaramma, Yoshinobu Nakamura, S. Lakshmi Reddy, Ray L Frost and Tamio Endo, “Electron paramagnetic resonance, Optical absorption and Raman spectral studies on pyrite/chalcopyrite mineral”, Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy., 96 (2012) 310-315. DOI: 10.1016/j.saa 2012.04.093 (ISSN 1386-1425) Impact Factor : 1.770 (UGC List No-33571)

25. C. Mallikarjuna Reddy, B. Ram Bhupal Reddy, E. Kesava Reddy, K. Sesha Maheswaramma, “Finite Element Modeling of Bone by Using Hydroxyapatite as Bioactive Nanomaterial in Bone Grafting, Bone Healing and the Reduction of Mechanical Failure in the Bone Surgery” “IEEE, (2011). ( ISBN: 978-1-4577-2035-2) Dec 2011.

26. K. Sesha Maheswaramma, G. Udayabhaskara Reddy, A.Varada Reddy, S. Lakshmi Reddy, Ray L Frost and Tamio Endo, “EPR and Optical absorption spectral studies on sphalerite mineral”. Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 81 (2011) 308-312. DOI: 10.1016/j.saa 2011.06.016. (ISSN1386-1425). Impact Factor : 1.770 (UGC List No-33571).

27. S. Lakshmi Reddy, K. Sesha Maheswaramma, R. Ramasubba Reddy, A.Varada Reddy, Y. Nakamura, B. J. Reddy, Tamio Endo and R. L Frost, “Electron Paramagnetic Resonance, NIR Studies on Zoisite, Clinozoisite and Chrom-Zoisite Minerals”, Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 78 (4) (2011) 1240-1244. DOI: 10.1016/j.saa.2010.12.021. (ISSN1386-1425). Impact Factor : 1.770 (UGC List No-33571).

28. S. Lakshmi Reddy, K. Sesha Maheswaramma, G.Siva Reddy, B.J. Reddy, Ray L Frost and Tamio Endo, “EPR and Optical absoirption spectral studies on voglite mineral”, Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 77 (1) (2010) 11-15. DOI:10.1016/j.saa.2010.04.005. (ISSN1386-1425). Impact Factor : 1.770 (UGC List No-33571).

29. S. Lakshmi Reddy, K. Sesha Maheswaramma, G. Siva Reddy, B. Jagannadha Reddy, R. L. Frost and Tamio Endo, “Optical absorption, infrared, Raman and EPR spectral studies on natural Iowaite mineral”, Transition Metal Chemistry, 35 (3) ( 2010) 331-336. DOI 10.1007/s11243-010-9331-8. (ISSN 0340-4285), Impact Factor : 1.166 (UGC List No-34925).

Prominent Speaker/ Invitee/ Chairperson
Prominent Speaker :

1. January 29th 2010 give a talk on “ Preparation of greener nanomaterials using 12 principles of green chemistry” as Prominent speaker in APPCB sponsored national workshop on “The environmental impacts of chemical industries and mitigation measures” at Hindu college, Guntur


1. February 14th 2010 give a talk on “ Women in STEM a Review” as a speaker & Rapporteur in National Commission for Women, New Delhi sponsored national Seminar on “Issues, Challenges and Prospects of Women Participation in Research and Development Activities in India:: Past, Present and Future Scenario (ICPWRD – 2020)” held during February, 14-15, 2020, organized by the Department of Business Management, Yogi Vemana University, Kadapa.


1. February 4–6, 2011, gave an invited talk on “ Novel synthesis techniques and applications of nanostructured ferrous oxalates” on the national seminar on “Nanobiotechnology: Emerging trends and Applications in Microbiology” at MGNIRSA, Hyderabad.

2. August 6-7,2014 , gave an invited talk on “ DNA Binding And Red Light Induced Cleavage Activity by Ternary Transition Metal Complexes of Schiff base Ligand and Planar Heterocyclics” on the two day national seminar on “Computer Simulations: Chemistry of Bioactive Molecules” at SV College, Suryapeta, Nalgonda (dt), Telangana.

3. January 3-4,2019 , gave an invited talk on “ Environmetnal education and Management” on 75 Days Induction training programme for Junior and Senior accountants- Department of Treasury and Accounts” at APHRDI Regional Centre, Srikalahasthi, Chittore(Dt), AP.

4. June 17-19,2019, gave an invited talk on “ Environmetnal Auditing” on Three Day Programme on Environment & Health” at APHRDI Bapatla, Guntur (Dt) AP.

5. July 25th , 2020, gave a talk on “ Eco-Friendly Polymers” on Two Day National Level Webinar on “Eco-Friendly Polymers & Depolymerization” during July, 24-25th 2020 organized by SVIST, Kadapa, A.P.

6. June 5th , 2021, gave a talk on “Reimazine, Recreate, Restore” on One Day National Level Virtual Seminar on “We are the part of solution towards Sustainability” on June, 5th 2021 on occasion of World environmental Day, organized by KSRMCE, Kadapa, A.P.

Chair Person :

1.March 11- 12, 2013, acted as a chairperson on “Eighteenth National Symposium on Environment (NSE-18)” at Department of Chemical Engineering JNTUACE, Anantapur.

International Conferences:

1. November, 2009 presented a research paper entitled “ electron paramagnetic resonance (epr), optical absorption and infra-red spectral studies basics and applications to material, life and earth sciences” on “indo – us a workshop on nanotechnology: applications and implications” at IICT, Hyderabad, A.P., India.

2. September 4-8, 2011 presented a research paper entitled “EPR and Optical absorption spectral studies on sphalerite mineral” on International conference “7 the European Conference on Mineralogy and Spectroscopy ECMS 2011” at Potsdam, Germany, organized by GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Potsdam, Germany).

3. December 14-18, 2014 presented a research paper entitled “ Photoinduced DNA Cleavage Activity of Ternory Oxovanadium (IV) Complexes” on “13th Eurasia Conference on Chemical Sciences” at IISc, Bangalore, Karnataka, India.

4. July 20-24, 2015 presented a research paper entitled “Remarkable anticancer activity of ternary copper (II) complexes in red light with low dark toxicity” on “17th International Conference on Biological Inorganic Chemistry (ICBIC17)” Jointly organized by Beihang University, Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Science (ICCAS), Peking University Health Science Centre (PKU- HSC) and HEIBEI University at Beizing, China.

5. January 7-11, 2017 presented a research paper entitled “Bioactive Transition Metals in Medicine” on “5th Symposium on Advanced Biological Inorganic Chemistry (SABIC17)” jointly organized by Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR), Mumbai & Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science (IACS) Kolkatta at Kolkatta, India.

6. February 8-10, 2017 presented a research paper entitled “Remarkable anticancer activity of ternary copper (II) and oxovanadium(IV) complexes in red light with low dark toxicity” on 23rd ISCB International Conference (ISCBC-2017) on Interface of Chemical Biology in drug Research at SRM University, Chennai, Tamila Nadu.

7. November 23-25, 2017 presented a research paper entitled “Biological Activity of Platinum & Copper Complexes in Visible Light” on International Conference on Environmental Biotechnology (EBIO-2017) at Andhra University, Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh, India. (Won 1St Prize as best oral presentation award) .

8. March 8-9, 2019 presented a research paper entitled “Risk Assessment around Rayalaseema Thermal Power plant” on International Conference on Pure and Applied Chemistry (IconPAC-2019) Recent Advances in Chemical Sciences at KL University, Vaddeswaram, Guntur, India. (ISBN No: 978-93-87188-10-5).

9. June 4, 2020 presented a research paper entitled “In-Vitro Comparative Estimation of Ezetimibe-Ursodiol combined Nano Formulation with the Conventional Marketed formulation” on South Zone Level Competition of Disso Research Presentations India (DRPI) 2020 online, organized by Society for Pharmaceutical Dissolution Science (SPDS) in collaboration with Association of Pharmaceutical Teachers of India (APTI), honoured with Certificate of Excellence Award.

International Training programmes:

1. December 08-14, 2013, attended “6 th Science Conclave”, (A Congregation of Noble Laureates and Eminent Scientists) an MHRD-DST initiative at IIIT, Allahabad.

2. September 01-05, 2014, attended “ International Training Programme on Leadership and Career Development for Women Scientist & Technologists”, organized by DST, IUSSTF, Coach, Delhi.

3. June 08-13, 2020, attended Online International FDP on “Emerging Innovations and Insisights in Pharmaceutical Sciences, Jointly organized by JNTU Kakinada & VV Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Ap, India .

Visited/ Worked at Reputed Labs:

1.May-June, 2013 Visited IISc, Bangalore as Indian Academy of Science Teacher Fellow worked under the guidance of Prof.A.R.Chakravarthy, IPC Division.

2. 2014 Visited IISc, Bangalore as Indian Academy of Science Teacher Fellow worked under the guidance of Prof.A.R.Chakravarthy, IPC Division.

3. October 19-24, 2016 Visited TIFR, Mumbai to train Sophisticated Instruments under TEQIP Seed Money grants .

4. December 19-23, 2016 Visited CSIR-NGRI, Hyderabad to train Sophisticated Instruments under TEQIP Seed Money grants .

5. October-2017 to January -2018 Visited CSIR-NGRI, Hyderabad as INSA Visiting Scientist Fellow worked under K.Rama Mohan, Hydrogeochemistry Division.

Courses Completed to Enrich Academic and Research Capabilities:

1. August 04-23, 2008 attended “Summer school in Basic sciences” at the UGC Academic Staff College, S. V. University, Tirupati and awarded A-Grade.

2. June 22, 2009 to July 18, 2009 attended “Orientation Course” at the UGC Academic staff College, Osmania University, Hyderabad and awarded A-Grade.

3.September-December 2015, attended and completed Internet Based Continuing Education Training Programme on “Environmental Management”, at Centre for Continuing Education, IISC, Bangalore and awarded B-Grade.

4. September-17-October-01, 2016, attended Refresher course on “Crystallography, Mineralogy, Petrology, Thermodynamics, Organic Geochemistry and Ore Geology” at Indian Academy of Science, Bangalore.

5. October 2019-February 2020, participated and completed (16-02-2020) “online Refresher course in Chemistry for Higher Education” (16 weeks Course) conducted by AICTE through SWAYAM and NTA.

6. April 17, 2020, participated and completed online course ACS Reviewer lab (one Month Course) “Demonstrating their understanding on the principles of high quality of peer review including reviewer ethics, instructions for reviewers and tools and components for writing a constructive review” conducted by American Chemial Society (ACS).

Programmes Organized:

1. December 27-28, 2013, organized Two day national workshop on Analytical Techniques in Research and Analysis as a Coordinator..

2. February 22-23, 2017 organized Two Day National Workshop on Environmental Management, Green and Sustainable Chemistry (EMGSC-2017) as a Convener.

3.June 21-25, 2021, organized National level “5 Day Virtual Training Programme Yoga & Meditation” in view of Yoga Day.

UHV Training Programmes organized as direction of AICTE NCC:

1. October 05-07, 2023, organized “3 Day Face to Face Faculty Development Programme on Introductory Universal Human Values (UHV)” as Resource Team (Co-Facilitator) by AICTE NCC - IP at Madanapalle Institute of Technology & Science, Madanapalli, AP, India.

2. December 12-16, 2023, organized AICTE Sponsored “5 Day Face to Face Faculty Development Programme on Universal Human Values (UHV) -II” at JNTUACEP, Pulivendula as Coordinator.

3.December 21-23, 2023, organized “3 Day Face to Face Faculty Development Programme on Introductory Universal Human Values (UHV)” as Resource Team (Co-Facilitator) by AICTE NCC - IP at Aditya Institute of Technology and Management, Srikakulam AP, India. .

4.July 17-24, 2024, organized AICTE Sponsored “8 Day Face to Face Faculty Development Programme on Universal Human Values (UHV)” as Resource Team (Observer) by AICTE NCC - IP at Sri Vasavi Engineering College, Tadepalligudem, West Godavari, AP, India.

5.August 09-11, 2024, organized Self funded “3 Day Face to Face Faculty Development Programme on Introductory Universal Human Values (UHV)” as Resource Team (Co-Facilitator) by AICTE NCC - IP at Rajeev Gandhi Memorial College of Engineering, Nandhyal, AP, India. .

NSS Programmes organized:

1. District Level Youth festival 2017 as a Contingent Leader and Coordinator (College level & District level youth festival on 18/01/2017 & 19/01/2017).

2. College & District Level Youth festival 2018 as a Contingent Leader and Coordinator(10-12-2018).

3.University Level Youth festival 2018 as a Contingent Leader and Coordinator (11-12-2018).

4. Kadapa District Youth Parliament Festival 2019 as a Nodal Officer.( Walkin Screening 17-19, Jan-2019, Kadapa District- 25-01-2019).

5. State Level Youth Parliament Festival 2019 as a organizing Committee Member (06-02-2019).

National Workshops :

1. August 17 – 25, 2009 attended a national workshop on “Radio chemistry Applications and Implications” at Yogi Vemana University, Kadapa.

2. November 8 - 12, 2010 attended a workshop on“Capacity Building of Women managers in Higher education” at SVUCE, Tirupati.

3. February 24 - March 01, 2012 attended “Third School on Analytical Chemistry – 2012” Organized by Association of Environmental Analytical Chemistry of India at Department of Chemistry, S.K. University, Anatapur

4. February 4 – 8, 2013, attended DST Sponsored National Programme for Training of Scientists and Technologists on “ Creativity & Innovation Management in Research” at Engineering Staff College of India, Hyderabad.

5. September 30- October 4, 2013, attended training programme on “Pedagogy” at NITTTR, Chandigarh.

6. November 11-15, 2013, attended a Training Workshop on “Biodiversity Conservation”, Organized by World Life Institute of India (WII), Dehradun.

7. February 3-7, 2014, attended “ Training Programme on Science, Technology and Emerging Trends in Governance”, organzed by Indian Institute of Public Administration, New Delhi.

8. June 22-27, 2015, attended Management Development Programme on “ Academic Leadership Programme for TEQIP Institutions” Organized by Indian Institute of Management, Kozhicode.

9. August 21-24, 2015, attended workshop “Free & Open Source Geospacial Technologies (FOSS4G) for Urban Environmental applications” Organized byCentre for infrastructure Sustainable Transportation and Urban Planing (CiSTUP), Energy & Wetlands Research Group at IISc, Bangalore.

10. November 5-8, 2015, attended 81st Annual meeting of Indian Academy of Science at IISER, Pune.

11. February 22-26, 2016, attended one week training programme on “Climate Change and Carbon Mitigation” organized by Indian Council of Forestry Research and Education, Dehradun.

12. June 30th – July 2nd, 2016, attended 27th Mid-Year meeting of Indian Academy of Science at IISc, Bangalore.

13. November 19-23, 2016, attended the national level training workshop on “Agrobiodiversity Conservation and Sustainable Livelihood” Supported by DST and organized by M.S.Swaminathan Research Foundation (Community Agrobiodiversity Centre), Wayanad, Kerala.

14. February 10-12, 2017, attended “National Women Parliament” Hosted by Governament of Andhra Pradesh and Organized by the Legislative Assembly, Andhrapradesh in Association with MIT School of Governament at Amaravathi, Vijayawada

15. May 21-25, 2018, attended five day Residential Training Programme on “Direct Trainer Skills” Organized by Andhra Pradesh Human Resource Development Institute (AP HRDI) in Association With Department of Personnel & Training (DoPT), GoI at AP HRDI, Bapatla.

16. June 11-15, 2018, attended QIP of AICTE short term course on “Electrochemistry Basics, Analysis and Applications” Organised by CCE, IISc, Bangalore.

17. June 25-29, 2018, attended QIP of AICTE short term course on “Advances in Genetic Engineering and Transgenic Technology” Organised by CCE, IISc, Bangalore.

18. July 16-20, 2018, attended five day Residential Training Programme on “Design of Training” Organized by Andhra Pradesh Human Resource Development Institute (AP HRDI) in Association With Department of Personnel & Training (DoPT), GoI at AP HRDI, Bapatla.

19/October 23-24, 2018, attended “Consultation Meet on Safety and Security of Women in Public Places” at NIPCCD, Bangalore.

20. September 03-09, 2018, attended “National Integration Camp” Organised by University of Agricultural Sciences, as Andhra Pradesh Contingent Leader at GKVK, Bangalore in Association with NSS, Department of Youth Empowerment & Sports, Governamnet of Karnataka.

21. November 26-30, 2018, attended five day Residential Training Programme on “Evaluation of Trainning” Organized by Andhra Pradesh Human Resource Development Institute (AP HRDI) in Association With Department of Personnel & Training (DoPT), GoI at AP HRDI, Bapatla.

22. December 13-14, 2018, attended “State Level Youth Festival” Organised by Acharya Nagarjuna University, Guntur as JNTUA Contingent Leader.

23. May 01-03, 2019, attended Residential Training Programme on “Post disaster Needs Assessment” Organized by National Institute of Disaster Management (NIDM) at NIDM Southern campus, AP HRDI, Bapatla.

24. May 14-15, 2019, attended, Training of Trainers (TOT) Programme on “Comprehensive Online Modified Module for Induction Training (COMMIT) ” Organized by DoPT at AP HRDI, Bapatla. Completed the 15 e-modules through online and awarded Trainers of Trainee.

25. Sep 25-27, 2019, participated State Level Capacity Building Training of Trainers (ToT) programme on “Disaster Management” Organized, AP HRDI, Bapatla under Centre for Sustainable Development Goals (CSDG).

26. November 20th, 2019, attended Workshop on “Advanced workshop on molecular docking and virtual screening” with Schrodinger in the Conference on drug design & Discovery Technologies at Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences, Bangalore, India.

27. December 02-06, 2019, attended and completed AICTE Training And Learning (ATAL) Academy FDP on “Artificial Intelligence” at JNTUACEP, Pulivendula.

28. December 11-13, 2019, attended Workshop on “Child Protection Issues for Coordinators/ Officers of NSS” at NIPCCD, Bangalore.

29. May 11-13, 2020, participated and completed Webinar FDP on “Digital Era of Teaching” conducted by Diksoochi, Mysuru.

30. August 03-08, 2020, participated FDP on “ Recent Developments in Chemical Research for Sociatal Applications” organized by Department of Chemistry, Yogi Vemana University, Kadapa.

31. September 07-11, 2020, participated and completed AICTE Training And Learning (ATAL) Academy FDP on “Green Technology & Sustainability Engineering” organized by Alligarh Muslim University.

32. September 21-25, 2020, participated and completed online workshop on Universal Human Values on the theme “Inculcating Universal Human Values in Technical Education” organized by AICTE.

33. November 23-27, 2020, participated and completed AICTE Training And Learning (ATAL) Academy FDP on “Waste Technology” organized by BMS College of Engineering, Bangalore.

34.December 14-18, 2020, participated and completed AICTE Training And Learning (ATAL) Academy FDP on “Team Building and Co-ordination” organized by Dr. B R Ambedkar National Institute of Technology, Jalandhar.

35.November 30 to December 04, 2020, participated and successfully completed “Part 1 of online Universal Human Values Refresher 1 FDP” organized by AICTE.

36.March 8-12, 2021, participated Online Workshop on “Choose Challenge – Together We can” organized by Indian Institute of Information Technology Tiruchirapalli, in celebration of International Women’s Day. Awarded Best Oral Presentation and Best Speaker on Extempor.

37.April 12-16, 2021, participatedand completed Online Training of Trainers Programme for “ Rural Educators” organized by V. V. Giri National Labour Institute, Noida.

38.August 9-13, 2021, participated and completed AICTE Training And Learning (ATAL) Academy on line Elementary FDP on “Project Thrive Leadership Excellence” organized by Indian Institute of Management, Amritsar.

39.October 5-9, 2021, participated and completed AICTE Training And Learning (ATAL) Academy on NEP 2020 Implementation FDP on “Community Service and Sustainable Society” organized by Maharshi Dayand University.