Department of Humanities & Social Science

Faculty Profile

Dr. M.Sambaiah

Associate Professor& Head i/c Dept. of Humanities & Social Science
Areas of Specialization: Contemporary Literature,Personality development,Soft skills                                            & Counseling
E-mail: :
Phone: +91- 7670902311
Educational Qualification: M.A.,M.Phil.,D.T.E.,Ph.D.
Work Experience:18 years
National Journals:7
International Journals: 8
National Conferences:11
International Conferences:15


  • Published a research paper on “Societal Images in Asif Currimbhoy’s The Hungry Ones” in global journal for research analysis in volume 05 issue 09, September 2016. IISNN02277-8160
  • Published a paper titled “Liberty and Individualism: The Twin Major Themes In The Novels Of Chetan Bhagat ” in Indian Journal Of Applied Research ( IJAR) in volume 04, issues 09 in Sept 2014. ISSN-2249-555X
  • Published a research paper on “Social Predicament In Asif Currimbhoy’s ‘The Dissident M.L.A’” in Research Journal of English Language and Literature (RJELAL) A peer reviewed international journal - , Vol.4.Issue 1.2016 (January-March) p 463-46
  • Published a research paper titled “Political, Economical Issues And Communalism In Asif Currimbhoy’s ‘The Refugee’ ” in Research Journal of English Language and Literature (RJELAL) A peer reviewed international journal - Vol. 2. Issue 4.,2015 (Oct. -Dec. ) p415-418.                                                          
  • Published a paper on “Vijay Tendulkar’s ‘Silence! The Court is in session’: A Mockery Against Existing Judicial System”, Research Journal of English Language and Literature (Rjelal) A peer reviewed international journal - vol.1.issue.1.;2013.
  • Published a paper on“A Study Of Suitability Of Bangalore University Prescribed MBA Course Book In L2 Classroom With Special Reference To Communication Skills” in Research Journal Of English Language And Literature (Rjelal) A peer reviewed international journal -, vol.1.issue.2.;2013
  • Published a paper on “A Practical Approach to Improve Communicative English and Soft Skills among Libyan students” for an international journal by Department of English, AL-Mergib Journal Of English Studies, Al-Mergib University, Libya .Vol-1.
  • Published a paper “Manifestation of Power Politics in Tendulkar’s Gashiram Kotwal” for an international journal Department of English, Al-Mergib Journal Of English Studies, Al-Mergib University, Libya, Volume-2


  • Published a paper titled “Intrapersonal Skills as core of personality: Some Home Truths” in Journal of English Language and Literature [JOELL], Vol 3, S 1 – 2016,ISSN-2349-9753
  • Published an article in Forum for Musings, a leading journal from JNTU on “Soft Skills: A Practical Approach”in a special issue, Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh.
  • Published a paper titled “Vijay Tendulkar’s Play The Vultures: A Treatise on Human Nature”, Literary Vibes,- June Issue,2013, A Refereed National Journal in English Studies, Andhra Pradesh
  • Published a paper titled “Dynamics and Relevance of Yellow Journalism in Vijay Tendulkar’s Play Kamala-A Study, in Literary Vibes,”, Vol-II, issue-III, A Refereed National Journal in English Studies, Andhra Pradesh.
  • Published a research Journal article as a co author on “Liberty and Individualism: The Twin Major Themes in the Novels of Chetan Bhagat” in INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH, Volume : 4 | Issue : 9 | September 2014 | ISSN - 2249-555X
  • Published a research article titled “Impact of Colonization on India and Canada: A Comparative Study”in Literary Vibes, Vol-II, issue-III, A Refereed National Journal in English Studies, Andhra Pradesh
  • Published a research Journal as co author on “Image of Women and Violence in Manjula Padmanabhan’s the Play Lights Out” in Literary Vibes, Vol-II, issue-III, A Refereed National Journal in English Studies, Andhra Pradesh .


  • Sambaiah. M , Assistant Professor, JNTUA College of Engineering Pulivendula. Presented a paper in an international conference on English Language and Literature titled “Teaching Soft Skills as Pragmatic and Empirical Competencies” organized by OUCIP, Hyderabad on 26 and 27, September, 2017
  • Sambaiah. M , Assistant Professor, JNTUA College of Engineering Pulivendula. Presented a paper in an international conference on “The Portrayal Youth and Their Tribulations in The Novels Of Chetan Bhagat “organized by Research Department of English, The American College, Madurai, on 26 July, 2017.
  • Presented a paper on “Poetry under the sub theme Poetry recitation ( own Poems) the title of the paper The Deceitful Mankind” at the UGC sponsored Two Day International Poetry Conference organized by the department of English on 1st& 2nd March,2019 - PBS College of Arts and Science, Vijayawada-520010
  • Presented a paper titled “Breaking the invincise walls of the Caste in the Church in Bama’s Karukku; A Study” in an international conference on English Language, Literature and Linguistics on 26 , July, 2017. .
  • Presented a paper titled “The image of Women in Asif Currimbhoy’s plays- A Study” English Language, Literature and Linguistics organized by Research Department of English, The American College, Madurai, on 26 July, 2017 .
  • Presented a paper titled “Existentialism in Asif Currimbhoy’s play A Study” in an international conference jointly organized by St. Charles College of Education and Roots International Journal Of Multidisciplinary Researches, Maduri, on 27 July,2017.
  • Sambaiah. M , Assistant Professor, JNTUA College of Engineering Pulivendula. Presented a paper in an international conference on “Suitability of Teaching Soft Skills in JNTUA” jointly organized by St. Charles College of Education and Roots International Journal Of Multidisciplinary Researches, Maduri, on 27 July,2017
  • Sambaiah. M , Assistant Professor, JNTUA College of Engineering Pulivendula. Presented a paper in an international conference on“Delineation the life of young generation in the works of Chetan Bhagat - A Study ” jointly organized by St. Charles College of Education and Roots International Journal Of Multidisciplinary Researches, Maduri, on 27 July,2017.
  • Sambaiah. M , Assistant Professor, JNTUA College of Engineering Pulivendula. Presented a paper in an international conference on “Education as a seed of Resistance in Omprakash Valmiki’s Joothan : A Study” jointly organized by St. Charles College of Education and Roots International Journal Of Multidisciplinary Researches, Maduri, on 27 July, 2017
  • Presented a paper titled “The portrayal of society in Asif Currimbhoy’s An Experiment with Truth ” in international conference on Innovations In English Language Teaching And Literary Studies jointly organized by the Pg And Research Department Of English Auxilium College (Autonomous) on 17 February, 2017.
  • Presented a paper titled “Soft skills are indispensable for professional students” in international conference on Innovations In English Language Teaching And Literary Studies jointly organized by the Pg And Research Department Of English Auxilium College (Autonomous) on 17 February, 2017.
  • Presented a paper titled “Hungry cries out in Asif Currimbhoy’s The Hungry One” in an international conference conducted by ELT@I THIRUPATHI Chapter on Teaching English language and literature : IN innovative methods and practices at Tirupati on 26&27 August, 2016
  • Presented a paper on “Teaching English Grammar To The Students Of Rural Background : Problems , Reasons And Remedies” in10th International Congress on English Grammar ICEG 2014 Organized by Department of English, Sri Ramakrishna Engineering College in association with Systemic Functional Linguistics on the Theme Grammar and Grammar Teaching: Changing Perspectives on at Coimbatore, Tamilnadu 23-25 January 2014
  • Presented a paper titled “Why are we backward ?: A Comparative study of Canadian aboriginals and Indian Dalits” in International conference Organized by Department of English, SVU and Indian association for Canadian studies between 27 and29 January 2014.
  • Presented a paper titled “Does Proficiency in English Play Role in Soft Skills?” in international seminar conducted by Vellore Institute of Technology Tamilnadu, in collaboration with Systematic Functional Linguistics on 1&2,January, 2013
  • Presented a paper on “Practical Approach to Improve Communicative English and Soft Skills among Libyan Students” for an international seminar on Contemporary Trends In English Literature And Language conducted by Department of English, AL-MERGIB Journal Of English Studies, Al- Mergib University, Libya. 1&2 June 2010

    • Presented a paper titled“English Learning : A Powerful Strategy for Empowerment of Women in India” in a two day national seminar sponsored by ICSSR On Globalization – A Strategy Towards Women’s Empowerment by the Dept.of Political Science AP Govt. Degree College for men, Kurnool on 24th & 25th September 2016
    • Presented a paper titled “Intrapersonal Skills as core of personality: Some Home Truths” in a two day national seminar conducted by Andhra Loyola Institute of Engineering and Technology, Vijayawada on Emerging Trends In English Language Pedagogy on 11th & 12th March 2016
    • Presented a paper on “Between Two Worlds: Symbolical Representation of Traditional and Emerging Cultures' Encounter in Vijay Tendulkar’s Play Sakharam Binder” in A Two Day National Seminar on Discourses In Contemporary Commonwealth Literature at Yogi Vemana University Vemanapuram, Kadapa-516003.Andhra Pradesh on 18 and 19, March, 2014
    • Presented a paper on“Role of English Proficiency In Soft Skills: A Practical Approach” for a national seminar conducted by Department of English, Misramal Navajee Mamouth Jain Engineering College, Chennai, Tamilnadu on March,12,2011
    • Presented a paper on “Teaching English Vocabulary to Rural Students Some Problems,Reasons and Remedies” in a national seminar on Current Trends In Teaching English Language And Literature conducted by the department of English Yogi Vemana University, YSR Kadapa. Andhra Pradesh on 4& 5 February ,2011
    • Presented a paper on organizational communication titled “English and Organizational Communication Skills: A Practical Approach” for a UGC sponsored national seminar conducted by the department of management sciences, SV University, Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh on 4 April, 2009
    • Presented a paper on “Impact of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar’s Writings and Speeches on Dalit Literature” for a UGC sponsored national seminar conducted by Virudanagar Nadars Senthi Kumar College Virudanagar, Tamilnadu on 30 &31 March 2009
    • Presented a paper on Annie Besant, Bernard haw and Tagore as humanists titled “Tagore as A Religious Poet” for a national seminar conducted by Anne Besant Theosophical College With UGC and Parivarthana Organization in Madanapalle, Andhra Pradesh on 17&18, October, 2008
    • Presented a paper on “Soft Skills: A Practical Approach for Employability” for a national seminar On Vocalization of Higher Education and Emerging Job Opportunities in India and Abroad conducted by Anne Besant Theosophical College With UGC in Madanapalle, AP on 12& 13 September, 2008
    • Presented a paper on Indian drama in English titled “Social Predicament in the Select Plays of Vijay Tendulkar” for a UGC sponsored national seminar conducted by JK College Guntur. Andhra Pradesh on 26&27 November,2007.
    • Presented a paper on the title “Promoted Untouchability: A Study on Arjun Dangle’s Short Story: Promotion” for a national seminar conducted by the department of English SV University with the collaboration of UGC, Tirupathi. Andhra Pradesh on 28& 29 March 2008


    • Sambaiah. M, Assistant Professor, JNTUA College of Engineering Pulivendula, attend a Two Day National Level workshop on “Outcome Based Assessment & Accreditation – Preparation of NBA-SAR” in Shimla (HP) conducted by Engineering Staff College Of India, during 24th and 26th March,2017.
    • Sambaiah. M Asst Professor attended the 05 day Training Programme on Ethics and Human Values for Scientists and Technologists training conducted by the at ESCI Hyderabad sponsored by DST between February 13 – 17, 2017
    • Sambaiah. M, Assistant Professor, JNTUA College of Engineering Pulivendula. Attended a Two Day National Level Faculty development program on“Pedagogy, Accreditation, Research and Entrepreneurship” organized by Engineering Staff College of India (ESCI), Port Blair, Andaman and Nicobar Islands, India during November 22-23, 2016
    • Sambaiah. M, Asst Professor, attended the 03 day Training Programme on “Creativity and Innovation Management Research” training conducted by the at ESCI Hyderabad from 24-28 Oct 2016.
    • Sambaiah. M, Asst Professor, attended the three day Training Programme on Personality Development (An ordinary to Extra-ordinary personality empowerment) training conducted by the at ESCI Hyderabad on 07 – 09 September, 2016.
    • Sambaiah. M, Asst Professor, attended TEQIP II Sponsored Professional Development Programme on Digital India Initiatives : Effective Utilization of Cloud Technology, e-governance and IT Infrastructure collaboratively organized by ESCI and the Dept of CS & SE, AU College of Engineering (A), Visakhapatnam 18-22 July, 2016.
    • Attended A Five Day National Workshop on “Innovative Methods In Pedagogy” at JNTAU College of Engineering Pulivendula with collaboration of Engineering Staff College Of India(ESCI), Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh between 01 and 05 March,2015.
    • Attended a seven day National Workshop titled MISSION 10x: Innovative Methods of Teaching Skills collaboratively conducted with Wipro Collaboration by JNTUACEP,. between September 02 and05, 2012.
    • Attended a two day workshop titled MISSION 10x : High Impact Teaching Skills for teaching faculty in collaboration with Wipro Technologies , Bangalore on behalf of JNTUACEP, between April 23 and 24, 2012
    • Attended a three days program on Project Proposal Writing conducted by BALAVIKAS in Khajipet, Warangal, Andhra Pradesh between December 13-15,2010
    • Sambaiah. M , Assistant Professor, JNTUA College of Engineering Pulivendula. A Two Day National Level Workshop on “Empowering Teaching Faculty on Professional Skills ” under Technical Education Quality Improvement Program (TEQUIP – II) on 30th and 31th of March 2017
    • Sambaiah. M , Assistant Professor, JNTUA College of Engineering Pulivendula. A Two Day National Level workshop on “Teaching Dynamics for Engineering Faculty” under Technical Education Quality Improvement Program (TEQUIP – II) on 14th and 15th of March 2017.
    • Sambaiah. M , Assistant Professor, JNTUA College of Engineering Pulivendula. conducted a Ten Day workshop on “English Communication Skills” A Project jointly organized by APSCHE and British Council in JNTUACEP between 16/08/2017 and 25/08/2017
    • As a convener, conducted a Two Day National Workshop on Human Values and Professional Ethics Under Technical Education Quality Improvement Program – II (TEQIP-II) on behalf of Dept of Humanities and Social Sciences, JNTAUCEP on 7-8 November, 2014
    • As a convener, conducted a Two Day National Workshop on Innovative Methods of Teaching Soft Skills under Technical Education Quality Improvement Program – II (TEQIP-II) on behalf of Dept of Humanities and Social Sciences, JNTAUCEP on 27-28 March, 2014
    • As a Coordinator, Conducted a two day workshop titled MISSION 10x : High Impact Teaching Skills for teaching faculty in collaboration with Wipro Technologies , Bangalore on behalf of JNTUACEP, between April 23 and 24, 2012.
    • As a Coordinator, Conducted a seven day national level workshop titled MISSION 10X : Innovative Methods of Teaching Skills in collaboration with Wipro Technologies on behalf of JNTAUCEP on 21-26 March, 2012.

    Book Publications:

    • A book titled Technical English by Wiley India International publishers, New Delhi in August 2014.
    • A book titled Career Guidance by UESI-AP publication trust, Guntur
    • A course book titled SKILL PRO-II, prescribed for graduate students of all Universities of AP for academic years 2016-2019, by Maruthi Publications.
    • A course book English Encounters for I B.Tech. II Semester of JNTUK for academic years 2016-2019, by Maruthi Publications