Department of Humanities & Social Science
Faculty Profile

Dr. K.Sandhya

Assistant Professor(ADHOC) Dept. of Humanities & Social Science
Areas of Specialization: Phonetics, Communication Skills and ELT.
E-mail: :
Phone:  +91-7382078720
Educational Qualification:  M.A;M.Ed;M.Phil;Ph.D.
Work Experience: 12 years
National Journals: 3
International Journals: 2
National Conferences:8
International Conferences: 15

    1. Publisheda paper on “Vijay Tendulkar’s ‘Silence! The Court is in session’: A Mockery

    Against Existing Judicial System”, Research Journal of English Language and Literature(Rjelal) A peer reviewed international journal -, vol.1.issue.1.;2013.

    1. Published a paper on “A Study Of Suitability Of Bangalore University Prescribed MBA Course Book In L2 Classroom With Special Reference To Communication Skillsin Research Journal Of English Language And Literature (Rjelal) A peer reviewed international journal -, vol.1.issue.2.;2013.
    2. Published a paper titled“Image of women potrayed in Vijay Tendulkar’s Play Gashiram Kotwal, Literary Vibes,- June Issue,2014, A Refereed National Journal in English Studies.
    3. Published a paper titled“Vijay Tendulkar’s Play The Vultures: A Treatise on Human Nature, Literary Vibes,- June Issue,2013, A Refereed National Journal in English Studies.
    4. Published a paper titled “Dynamics and Relevance of Yellow Journalism in Vijay Tendulkar’s Play Kamala-A Study, in Literary Vibes, Vol-II, issue-III,A Refereed National Journal in English Studies.





    1. Presented a paper entitled need for communication skills for technical students: A Studyat

    international conference on communication skills on March 2017 at P.Siddhardha Institute

    of Technology,Vijayawada.

    1. Presented a paper on “ Teaching English Vocabulary To The Students Of Rural Background : Problems ,Reasons And Remedies”in10th International Congress on English Grammar ICEG 2014 Organized byDepartment of English, Sri Ramakrishna Engineering College in association with Systemic Functional Linguistics on the Theme Grammar and Grammar Teaching: Changing Perspectives23-25 January 2014at Coimbatore, Tamilnadu.


    1. Presented a paper on “Marginalizing the marginalized: A Voice of Kumud Pawde”in an International Conference on Cultural spaces: Canada and India organized by Sri Venkateswara University in association with Indian Association Canadian studies , held between 27-29 January 2014 at Tirupathi , Andhra Pradesh.
    1. Presented a paper titled, “Kalyana Rao’s ‘Untouchable Spring’ without Ambedkar’s Touch: An Ambedkarian Criticism on Marginalized Propaganda of Left Wing Extremism on Dalit Liberation”, Global Seminar, conducted by Acharya Nagarjuna University, Guntur,Dec14-16.2013,AP.
    2. Presented a paper for fourth international conference on ‘Ecological crisis:Human Stewardship’ held at national college, Tiruchirapalli, Chennai on Sep 25-26 2009. The theme of the conference is Ecology: Texts and contexts.
    3. Presented a paper for fourth international conference of Organization for Studies in Literature and Environment (OSLE)-India held at national college, Tiruchirapalli, Chennai on Sep 25-26 2009. The title of the paper is ‘A Study of Agrarian concern in Man: With special reference to the course book of BBM’.
    4. Presented a paper on ‘Is it Taboo to learn and teach the so called ‘Sacred Language’-‘The Sanskrit’ for a UGC interdisciplinary Global seminar on Understanding and Interrogating Fourth World Literatures held during Sep 7-9 2009.
    5. Participated for UGC sponsored international seminar on Voice of the Voiceless: Articulating women of fourth world Literatures and presented a paper on ‘Marginalizing the Marginalized: A voice of Kumud Pawdae’on Sep 4 -5 2009.
    6. Participated and presented a paper in Fourth international and 40thNational conference on ‘Managing Mixed Ability Classes’ conducted by ELTAI on 7-9 August 2009.
    1. Presented a paper for second international conference of Organization for Studies in Literature and Environment (OSLE)-India held at AIMS college, Bangalore on June 8-9-2007. The title of the paper is ‘Green in BBM text Book: A Study’.


    1. Presented a paper titled “Image of Women in Vijay Tendulkar’s Kamala”in A Two Day National Seminar on Discourses In Contemporary Commonwealth Literature (18-19, March, 2014)At Yogi Vemana University Vemanapuram, Kadapa-516003.Andhra Pradesh.
    2. Presented a paper titled “Practical approaches to Engish Language Teaching”in A Two Day National Seminar on ELT:A Blended Approach (18-19, April, 2018)At Department of English A.U, Guntur,Andhra Pradesh.
    3. Presented a paper in one day UGC sponsored National seminar on Relevance of language in U.G.Level conducted on 22 Sep 2010 with the Title Suitability of BBM text in L2 classroom with special reference to Communication skills .
    4. Participated in a NAAC Sponsored National Conference on March towards Excellence in higher Education in the Globalized Knowledge-Society and presented a paper on ‘Quality Enhancement of Higher Education’.
    5. Participated in a UGC Sponsored National seminar and presented a paper on ‘English in the Media’held on 21-22 July 2005.
    6. Participated in one day UGC sponsored National seminar on Language, Literature, and Pedagogy: Problems and Perspectives conducted on 16th April 2009.


    1. Participated in two day national workshop on Human Values and Professional Ethics conducted by Department of Humanities and social sciences JNTUACEP on 7-8 Nov 2014.
    2. Participated in two day national workshop on Innovative Methods of teaching Soft skills conducted by Department of Humanities and social sciences JNTUACEP on 27-28 March 2014
    3. Participated in two day national workshop on Research Methodology in technologyconducted by Department of Humanities and social sciences JNTUACEP on 17-18 october 2016.
    4. Participated in two day national workshop on English curriculum Design and Instructional Methodologyconducted by Department of Humanities and social sciences RGUKT, R.K. Valley on 26-27 November, 2017.
    5. Participated in a second national workshop and made a short presentation on the topic Semantics and General semanticsconducted by the Department of English, Bangalore University and Balvant Parekh Centre for General Semantics and other Human Sciences during 15-17 Feb 2010.
    6. Participated in one day UGC sponsored National seminar on Language, Literature, and Pedagogy: Problems and Perspectives conducted on 16thApril 2009.
    7. Participated in the two day National – level – Symposium on New Frontiers of Literary Researchheld on 11-12 Nov 2008 in Bangalore.
    8. Conducted one day workshop for Hotel Management Students on English For Hotel Management Students in AIMS, Bangaloreon 26/8/2010