Sarvagnya 2016 edition is gearing up with more number of Technical as well as Funful events.Have a look at our events
Everyday we produce petabytes of Data in the form of social networkings.Ever imagined how we are managing such huge volumes of data.Here is a workshop to get you an basics of BigData Management using Hadoop,the Apache opensource Bigdata Framework.
Sarvagnya is giving a platform to present your Papers/Posters/Project in the form of presentations
Everyday, hundreds of mobile and web applications are emerging in the market. Are you enthusiastic to develop an Web/Mobile application, then exhibit your application development skills in the application development event HACKATHON
Sarvagnya brings more technical feast in the form of Technical and General quizzes to test your skills and now its your turn to lead our technical/general quiz leaderboard
Coding and Decoding are the two necessary skills of a software engineer,here is a event Code-Decode for you which tests your both coding and decoding skills.
Create fun with number of spotlight events and also with rocking cultural performances, mob dances and cultural competitions