Hackathon is a widely organizing and much popular event. This year Sarvagnya brings you the real technical feast with Hackathon.This is an 5 Hour Development Challenge (over the areas app development,web application,game development,hacking and your choice of various streams)in which you are given a theme and you have to develop a Android Application/Web Application/any game development/HACKING activity or anything of your choice.You are provided with internet and your task is to develop a innovative App and Present it to us in designated programming hours.Participate in this mega event and experience your development skills

  • Ensure that you've been registered in Sarvagnya'16.
  • There can be a team of 1-3 members.
  • The Registration have to be done through google form(by clicking the register link below) and Payment have to be done onspot
  • Students from B.Tech,M.Tech of any branch can participate in this event.
  • The event will be of 5 hours and you can use your own programming language
  • We Provide you the internet and Computer Lab Facility
  • Contact our coordinators for more details and queries

Rules to be followed at HACKATHON

  • Coding must take place during designated programming hours.No outside work is allowed.
  • Task will be given to you with reference to your area of interest specified in application form
  • All the designers's developments must be related to Computer Science and Engineering.
  • Task must be submitted within the alloted programming hours.